Signs of a Successful Rhinoplasty Procedure

Patient testimonials and before-and-after photos are invaluable resources when choosing a Beverly Hills rhinoplasty surgeon. They provide insight into a plastic surgeon’s skill and experience, and can help you visualize the results you can expect.

An authority in rhinoplasty, Dr. Ashkan Ghavami has performed thousands of rhinoplasty procedures and is known for delivering consistently successful results. Here, the Beverly Hills plastic surgeon outlines signs of successful rhinoplasty that you should look for when reviewing patient testimonials and photos.

Natural-Looking Results

Undoubtedly one of the most obvious signs of a good rhinoplasty procedure is natural-looking results. In most cases, subtle changes to the nose can improve its appearance while producing the results that look the most natural. A nose that is overcorrected can appear too fake or artificial, or result in unnecessary scarring.

To ensure the most natural-looking results, Dr. Ghavami avoids using a cookie-cutter, “one-size-fits-all” approach and instead tailors each treatment to the specific needs of the patient. He works closely with each patient to design a plan that achieves beautiful and natural-looking results each patient can be happy with.

Facial Harmony

The nose is the central focal point of the face, and as such, plays an important role in facial harmony. Many patients seek rhinoplasty because they feel the size, position or shape of their nose throws off the balance of the facial features. Slight changes to the aesthetics of the nose can drastically improve the overall facial appearance. When viewing before-and-after photos, do not just look at the patient’s nose. Instead, look at the patient’s overall face. After rhinoplasty, does the patient’s face look more balanced and proportionate? Or, do the facial features look off-balance?

Proper Breathing

Cosmetic rhinoplasty is a highly delicate procedure that requires the expertise of a qualified rhinoplasty surgeon. While the procedure focuses on improving aesthetic flaws with the nose (e.g., overly large nose or nostrils, crooked nasal tip, bump on the bridge), any change to the nasal structure can affect function, including proper breathing. When reading patient testimonials, pay attention to what patients have to say about nasal function. Do they complain about improper breathing following rhinoplasty? Did breathing improve or worsen after rhinoplasty? If you seek to improve the appearance and function of your nose, work with a plastic surgeon who is experienced in both cosmetic and functional rhinoplasty.

To learn more about rhinoplasty, schedule a consultation with top Beverly Hills rhinoplasty surgeon Dr. Ghavami. Contact his office by calling (310) 275-1959 or emailing us today.

Posted Under: Rhinoplasty